“To Know You” now available in the Shop!

The erstwhile enigma.

Michael, an astute reader in Philadelphia, commented the other day on my Facebook page that the print music for “To Know You” (the Parisian-café-esque track from Something Begun) was clearly visible in the header photo for the Shop page, but the music itself wasn’t actually available in the shop.


Long story short: the printout in the photo was the trio version that Jason, Deb, and I originally recorded.  But because there are so few trios out there with our particular combination of vocal ranges, I wanted to condense the piece down to a solo version for public release.  Michael’s observation prompted me to disenduffify myself and get the charts ready.

So!  (drumroll here…)  If you’d like to take a gander at “To Know You” (and maybe figure out exactly why it’s so impossible to dance to without looking like the coffee isn’t the first thing you’ve had to drink today, ifyouknowwhatImean), you can do that here.  If you want to add the piece to your repertory, click the “Add to Cart” button and you’ll get two copies of the piano/vocal score plus a free bass chart, all for less than the price of a grande latté.  (And do let me know if and when you perform the piece.  I love to hear about my songs finding new homes!)

What do you say to that?