Once a year it’s good to celebrate! Every spring, usually in mid-April, I schedule an event I lovingly call the “DMGS3”: The David M. Glasgow Spring Studio Showcase. The DMGS3 is a chance for all of my students—vocalists, pianists, and songwriters—to come together, show off, and have fun! All of my students are encouraged, but not required, to perform at the DMGS3; and there’s no admission fee—friends, family, and eager- or confused-looking strangers dragged in from the street are all welcome to attend.
DMGS3 2024 is on the books for Saturday, April 27, 2024 at the UUCV Meetinghouse!
The event itself is, as one attendee described it, “a real production!” I prepare keepsake programs including student biographies and repertory, secure professional instrumentalists to accompany voice students, and hire professional videographers to document the event (so parents don’t need to watch their children through a smartphone screen!).
As the event draws closer, students and their families will want to be sure they’re familiar with the important information included on the DMGS3 Performer FAQs page.
Supporting DMGS3
Paying the band
In past years I’ve added a “Showcase Subsidy Fee” to each student’s invoice for the month of the Showcase to help offset the more than $3000 I spend on program books, professional audio and video technicians, and professional instrumentalists. But it is very important to me that no family feel that financial pressures will prevent them from participating in DMGS3—so this year I’ve decided to make participation and attendance at the event completely free, so that students and their loved ones feel completely welcomed.
That said, families whose budgets allow them to help offset the costs of the event can make donations at the event and through PayPal that get me a little closer to “breaking even” on the event.
Click here to make a financial donation in support of DMGS3!
Lending a hand
In addition, many of the behind-the-scenes tasks required for the event are generously provided by volunteers—parents, family, and friends of the performers. If you’d like to help out in this way, you can sign up for a task at Signup Genius.