"Refugees Then and Now" Boiling Springs, PA, USA
2 Forge Road
Boiling Springs, PA 17007

"Refugees Then and Now"

What does it mean to be a refugee? This is a challenge to our understanding and compassion, besides to our purses. Gisela Roethke is the service leader, and I play music of Béla Bartók.

"Draw the Circle Wide" Boiling Springs, PA, USA
2 Forge Road
Boiling Springs, PA 17007

“Draw the Circle Wide”

Come and celebrate as we welcome new members into our beloved community. As we draw our circle ever wider let us take time to ask: who else is outside of the circle? How do we draw it wide enough for them? Rev. Aija Simpson preaches, and the choir sings music of Mark Miller and Namoli Brennet.

Christmas Eve worship Boiling Springs, PA, USA
2 Forge Road
Boiling Springs, PA 17007

Special Christmas Eve Service: "Revolution"

On this night, as the Christian world holds its breath in anticipation, we gather together. We gather to sing, we gather to pray, we gather to create light in the darkness. Come, worship with us. Service begins at 7:00 PM. Rev. Aija Simpson preaches. The UUCV Family Choir sings carols, and I play contemporary interpretations of traditional Christmas carols.

Unitarian Universalist worship Boiling Springs, PA, USA
2 Forge Road
Boiling Springs, PA 17007

"Revolution: The Sun"

The nights are getting longer and the sun seems to be disappearing from the earth. Are we ready for one more turn? Rev. Aija Simpson preaches. The Choir sings a trilogy of solstice carols, and I play music of earth-centered traditions.

Unitarian Universalist worship Boiling Springs, PA, USA
2 Forge Road
Boiling Springs, PA 17007

"Revolution: Interrupted"

Jews all over the world come together to light candles and remember their (briefly) successful revolt against the most powerful empire the world had yet known. What do we do with a revolution interrupted? Rev. Aija Simpson, preaching. I play music from various Jewish Hannukah traditions.