UUCV Worship Boiling Springs, PA, USA
2 Forge Road
Boiling Springs, PA 17007


On this Sunday before Mardi Gras, we ask ourselves: what do we choose to do year after year? What do those choices tell us about ourselves? Rev. Aija Simpson preaches, the choir sings, and I'm joined by some special guests to provide service music.

UUCV Worship Boiling Springs, PA, USA
2 Forge Road
Boiling Springs, PA 17007

"Making Love a Practice"

Leading up to Valentine’s Day, we’ve been awash in flowers, hearts, and messages about romantic love. But what might it mean to make love a spiritual practice? Pamela Philips is our guest service leader, and I sing one of my favorite Steven Curtis Chapman pieces.

UUCV Worship Boiling Springs, PA, USA
2 Forge Road
Boiling Springs, PA 17007

"Oh Shush"

How often do you sit in the silence? In our modern world we have so many noise making devices that our opportunities for quiet have shrunk. But if it is never quiet how do we learn how to listen? Rev. Aija Simpson preaches, the choir sings, and I provide service music.

UUCV Worship Boiling Springs, PA, USA
2 Forge Road
Boiling Springs, PA 17007

"A Good Lie?"

We affirm and promote the free and responsible search for truth and meaning. Is there such a thing as irresponsible truth? What about responsible falsehoods? Rev. Aija Simpson preaches, the choir sings, and I provide service music.

UUCV Worship Boiling Springs, PA, USA
2 Forge Road
Boiling Springs, PA 17007

"What Story Will We Tell?"

Just two days after the inauguration, we’ll explore how our personal and national narrative might unfold in the coming months. How will we shape that story as we step forward into this challenging moment in our history? Norm Allen preaches, Pat Spader provides prelude, and I provide service music and hymns.