Life, love, and Pippin

two microphones in a studio

written by David

Musician, educator, husband, cat dad, cantankerous introvert-slash-wet-blanket. And I bake a mean chocolate-chip cookie.

Monday, March 14, 2016

My good friend Jere­my Pat­ter­son has a new YouTube inter­view show called the Cap­i­tal Area The­atre Show.  Guess who he invit­ed to be his sec­ond-ever inter­vie­wee?

Tune in below or on the show’s YouTube chan­nel to hear our milk­shake-fueled con­ver­sa­tion about art and life and idols and dreams and fears and inse­cu­ri­ties, and why we do all that we do.  (And he even­tu­al­ly was able to steer me back around to Pip­pin, which was sup­posed to be the point of the show to begin with.…)

Any­way.  Enjoy!


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