Website updates

When all else fails…

When all else fails…

The eagle-eyed reader will already have noticed that at some point since my last blog post (a mere 1,364 days ago), my website has undergone some major changes. It's not that I haven't had any thoughts worth sharing during that interim.  (And here, the discreet reader will refrain from commenting on the "share-worthiness" of any of the posts archived here.)  It's that, since 2020 or so, life has...

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A little night music

A little night music

One of the things I love most about my career is that I get to experience a never-ending stream of new repertory—between my work at UUCV, at Open Stage, at CASA, and elsewhere, I never have time to get bored with the material I'm working on!  The downside to this excitement is that I seldom have time to really dig in and master a piece of music in a way that feels "complete."  Or rather, I...

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