UUCV Meetinghouse

Use this map to nav­i­gate to the meet­ing­house for the Uni­tar­i­an Uni­ver­sal­ists of the Cum­ber­land Val­ley.  My Spring Stu­dio Show­case, and The Per­fect 5th’s semi­an­nu­al recitals, are held in the Sanc­tu­ary of this build­ing.

The best entrance to use is locat­ed under the por­ti­co on High Street.  Then enter the Sanc­tu­ary through the glass-paned doors on the right at the end of the hall after the stair­way.  (Rest rooms are in the hall­way to the left just across from the Sanc­tu­ary entrance, and the Social Hall is beyond the restrooms.)

UUCV Meetinghouse