The Perfect 5th Musical Arts Center

Use this map to nav­i­gate to The Per­fect 5th Musi­cal Arts Cen­ter.  Locat­ed just ½ mile off the Wes­ley Drive/Rossmoyne Road exit of Route 15, this loca­tion is con­ve­nient to Har­ris­burg­ers and West Shore denizens alike.  Park­ing is free in the lot direct­ly in front of the facil­i­ty entrance.

When you arrive, enter through the exte­ri­or glass doors, and go through the inte­ri­or door on your left and up the flight of stairs.  I teach in stu­dio 7, the first door on the right, but if I’m cur­rent­ly in a les­son when you arrive please have a seat in the wait­ing area.

The Perfect 5th