
TuneKey is a new (and ever-improv­ing) app that my stu­dents use to con­firm les­son sched­ules, access record­ings and oth­er resources, log prac­tice ses­sions, eval­u­ate prac­tice habits, and more.  If you haven’t yet installed TuneKey on your device, please click here to down­load the app and get start­ed.  Then just read on for step-by-step instruc­tions for accom­plish­ing each of the fol­low­ing com­mon TuneKey func­tions:

      TuneKey is a new (and ever-improv­ing) app that my stu­dents use to con­firm les­son sched­ules, access record­ings and oth­er resources, log prac­tice ses­sions, eval­u­ate prac­tice habits, and more.  If you haven’t yet installed TuneKey on your device, please scan the QR code with your phone cam­era or click here to down­load the app and get start­ed.  Then just read on for step-by-step instruc­tions for accom­plish­ing each of the fol­low­ing com­mon TuneKey func­tions:

          QR code directing to https://tunekey.app/invite/J56F

          Lessons tab

          Adding an extra lesson

          1. Nav­i­gate to your list of upcom­ing lessons.
          2. Tap “Add Lessons” in the top right of the screen.
          3. At the bot­tom of the screen, tap “Add pri­vate les­son.”
          4. Tap to place a green check mark next to the type of les­son and dura­tion (half-hour or full-hour) you’d like to sched­ule, and tap the “Next” but­ton.
          5. Con­firm that “David M. Glas­gow” is checked as instruc­tor and tap Next.
          6. For most lessons, you’ll need to choose “The Per­fect 5th” as a loca­tion. If that loca­tion is not con­ve­nient for you, tap the “Online” radio but­ton instead. Once the cor­rect loca­tion is select­ed, tap “Next.”
          7. Tap “Next” to skip the “Recur­rence” slid­er. (Do not attempt to sched­ule recur­ring lessons in TuneKey! If you are inter­est­ed in recur­ring lessons, I strong­ly rec­om­mend my Sub­scrip­tion plan—please con­tact me to dis­cuss details.)
          8. Con­firm that the details of your request are cor­rect, and tap “Send Con­fir­ma­tion.” I’ll respond, usu­al­ly with­in 24 hours, to con­firm your request or dis­cuss oth­er options.

          Canceling a lesson

          1. Nav­i­gate to your list of upcom­ing lessons.
          2. Tap on the date or time of the les­son you’d like to resched­ule.  (Do NOT tap on the green arrow at the right edge of the screen.)  As long as more than 24 hours remain before the sched­uled start of the les­son, you’ll see links to “Can­cel Les­son” or “Resched­ule.”
          3. Tap “Can­cel Les­son.”
          4. Tap “I’m sure.”

          Registering for a masterclass

          1. Nav­i­gate to your list of upcom­ing lessons.
          2. Tap “Add Lessons” in the top right of the screen.
          3. Tap “Join group les­son.”
          4. Locate the class you wish to join in the list that appears, and tap it to mark it with a green check.
          5. Tap “Next.”
          6. Con­firm that the details dis­played match the class you want to join, and tap “Join In.”
          7. The class should now appear in your list of upcom­ing lessons.

          Rescheduling a lesson

          1. Nav­i­gate to your list of upcom­ing lessons.
          2. Tap on the date or time of the les­son you’d like to resched­ule.  (Do NOT tap on the green arrow at the right of the screen.)  As long as more than 24 hours remain before the sched­uled start of the les­son, you’ll see links to “Can­cel Les­son” or “Resched­ule.”
          3. Tap “Resched­ule.”
          4. Use the cal­en­dar that appears to nav­i­gate to the date to which you’d like to resched­ule the les­son and tap that day num­ber.
          5. You will prob­a­bly need to scroll down a bit to see the “Con­ve­nient Times” that are avail­able on your select­ed date.
          6. Tap on the time slot to which you’d like to resched­ule.
          7. Tap the green “Send Request” but­ton. TuneKey will noti­fy me of your request and I’ll respond to con­firm or request anoth­er alter­na­tive as prompt­ly as pos­si­ble.

          Viewing your schedule

          1. In the top-right cor­ner of the Lessons tab you’ll see a link labeled “Upcom­ing.” Tap that link.
          2. You’ll now see a list of all upcom­ing lessons.

          Materials tab

          The Mate­ri­als tab shows you the audio, video, and print­able resources that I’ve made avail­able to you.  The first time you access this tab, I strong­ly rec­om­mend you do the fol­low­ing:
          1. Tap the Set­tings icon in the top right.  ()
          2. Set “Apply to” to “All fold­ers.”
          3. Set “View” to “List view.”
          4. Set “Sort” to “File name.”
          5. Set “Order” to “Ascend­ing.”
          6. Turn Group­ing OFF.
          7. Tap the “back” arrow in the top left cor­ner.

          You are, of course, wel­come to adjust these set­tings to your own per­son­al pref­er­ences as you work more with TuneKey, but I find that these set­tings are the most intu­itive for new users.

          Accessing materials

          In the Mate­ri­als tab, you’ll find a fold­er for each title you’re work­ing on with me.  Most such fold­ers will include a PDF of the charts for the piece, along with two audio files—an “accom­pa­ni­ment” or “piano only” track, and a “teach­ing track” that includes the accom­pa­ni­ment plus a wind instru­ment play­ing the vocal melody line to assist with notes and rhythms.  Nav­i­gat­ing the Mate­ri­als tab is fair­ly intu­itive: To view the con­tents of a fold­er or file, sim­ply tap on it.

          If you’d like to down­load a file to your device, you can do that by tap­ping the “Share” icon (a grey circle contains an image of a box with an arrow emerging from it).  Note that audio files can­not yet be down­loaded from with­in TuneKey—if you need to down­load an audio file, let me know.

          The Resource Library

          One very spe­cial fold­er in the Mate­ri­als tab is the Resource Library, which includes resources I’ve cre­at­ed and curat­ed from across the web, that I find use­ful for stu­dents who want to dig a lit­tle deep­er into their work (or just have fun “geek­ing out”!).  I often share spe­cif­ic items from this Library with stu­dents as part of their les­son notes, but I encour­age you to explore the con­tents of this fold­er and see what piques your inter­est!

          The Materials tab of the TuneKey app

          Practice tab

          Logging practice time

          1. Go to the Prac­tice tab.
          2. If you are log­ging prac­tice that hap­pened today, tap the “Log” but­ton.
            • If you are log­ging prac­tice that hap­pened before today, tap the “Log for pre­vi­ous days” link, then tap the date of the prac­tice ses­sion you’re record­ing and click “Con­firm.”
          3. Tap “Add Piece.”
          4. Enter the title of the piece you worked on (or any oth­er descrip­tion that you’ll find help­ful when you review your prac­tice his­to­ry).
          5. Tap “Add Min­utes.”
          6. Enter the num­ber of min­utes you spent work­ing on this par­tic­u­lar item.
          7. Tap “Con­firm.”
          8. Your prac­tice ses­sion should now appear on the Log Sheet.

          Recording audio or video

          1. On the Prac­tice tab, tap “Record Prac­tice.”
          2. Tap either “Audio Record­ing” or “Video Record­ing.”
          3. Tap “Add Piece.”
          4. Enter a title for the record­ing.
          5. Tap “Get Start­ed.”
            • Your device may request per­mis­sion to access your micro­phone and/or cam­era.  You’ll need to grant this per­mis­sion in order to make record­ings.
          6. Record­ing will start.
          7. When you fin­ish record­ing, TuneKey will give you a chance to:
            • review it ()
            • share or down­load it ()
            • upload it for my review (a light blue cloud has an arrow pointing up inside it)
            • delete it ()
          8. Com­plet­ed record­ings will appear in your Log Sheet.

          Using the TuneKey metronome

          1. At the top of the Prac­tice tab, tap “Metronome.”
          2. Tap the square but­ton on the left () to set the time sig­na­ture.
          3. Use the rec­tan­gles at the top of the metronome to select accent lev­els (strong, sec­ondary, or stan­dard) for each beat of the mea­sure.  For instance, to set the beats of a mea­sure of 4/4 time to STRONG — stan­dard — sec­ondary — stan­dard, set the accent lev­els like this:
          4. Tap the “Note” but­ton () to sub­di­vide the beat into 1, 2, 3, or 4 sub­di­vi­sions.  (Each tap advances to the next sub­di­vi­sion option.)
          5. Tap the “Speak­er” but­ton to select a sound set:
            • elec­tron­ic ()
            • per­cus­sion ()
            • metronome ()
            • wood blocks ()
          6. Scroll the cen­ter wheel clock­wise or counter-clock­wise to set the tem­po.
          7. Tap the cen­ter wheel to start and stop the metronome.

          Insight tab

          The Insights tab allows you to view your prac­tice habits over any peri­od of time you select.  Sim­ply tap the cal­en­dar in the top-right cor­ner to adjust the frame of ref­er­ence.

          (There’s also a “Mile­stones” tab that will show you any awards I may have giv­en you dur­ing that time peri­od, though I con­fess I’m not great at remem­ber­ing to give stu­dents TuneKey awards.… 😬)

          Profile tab

          App notifications

          If you would like your phone to noti­fy you when I share a file with you, to remind you of upcom­ing lessons—or even to remind you to get some prac­tice time in!—you may do that in your TuneKey set­tings.  Just vis­it the Pro­file tab, then scroll down a bit to turn on as many noti­fi­ca­tions and reminders as you’d like!