Tuition Plans

I offer two pay­ment plans for les­son tuition.  Except in unusu­al cir­cum­stances, I rec­om­mend the Sub­scrip­tion Plan, under which stu­dents sched­ule recur­ring week­ly lessons and agree to be billed auto­mat­i­cal­ly for each mon­th’s lessons (and any inci­den­tal expens­es such as music pur­chas­es) on the last day of the month pre­ced­ing the lessons.  Stu­dents par­tic­i­pat­ing in the Sub­scrip­tion Plan receive a dis­count­ed tuition rate.  Stu­dents for whom the terms of the Sub­scrip­tion Plan are incon­ve­nient may sched­ule at will under the “Pay-Per-Les­son” plan.  Tuition rates for both plans are out­lined below.

And while we’re on that sub­ject: I know my rates are among the high­est in the area. I’ve put in a lot of hours, edu­ca­tion, and hard work to become (and remain) a top-tier voice teacher with a unique voca­tion, and I believe my stu­dents get what they pay for.  If you’re not yet con­vinced, I encour­age you to watch a few of the video tes­ti­mo­ni­als stu­dents have record­ed for me in the past, review the (if I say so myself) con­vinc­ing list of facts about what makes me dif­fer­ent from oth­er music teach­ers, or just vis­it the home­page of this site, where I’ve assem­bled a slideshow of quotes from stu­dents con­firm­ing the val­ue of what I have to offer.

I do hope you’ll like what you see enough to sched­ule a free ini­tial con­sul­ta­tion, where you and I can talk about your goals and how I can help you achieve them.  I’m look­ing for­ward to help­ing you make your music!

Half-hour lessons

Half-hour lessons include ∼25 min­utes of teach­ing time.  (I reserve 5 min­utes at the end of each les­son to update your les­son notes and pre­pare for my next stu­dent.)  Lessons can be can­celled or resched­uled until 24 hours before the sched­uled les­son time.

Full-hour lessons

Full-hour lessons include ∼50 min­utes of teach­ing time.  (I reserve 10 min­utes at the end of each les­son to update your les­son notes and pre­pare for my next stu­dent.)  Lessons can be can­celled or resched­uled until 24 hours before the sched­uled les­son time.

*My Sched­ul­ing page includes a list of hol­i­days and oth­er events that affect my teach­ing avail­abil­i­ty.  These instruc­tor absences are con­sid­ered “planned absences,” and are fac­tored into Sub­scrip­tion Plan rates, so stu­dents are not offered make­up lessons for these can­cel­la­tions.  In the event that I need to can­cel a les­son beyond those cat­e­go­rized as “planned” (an “unplanned absence,” e.g., instruc­tor ill­ness), affect­ed stu­dents will be offered either an oppor­tu­ni­ty to resched­ule or a cred­it, applied to the fol­low­ing mon­th’s invoice.  Sub­scrip­tion stu­dents sched­ul­ing addi­tion­al lessons (beyond their reserved week­ly appoint­ment) will be billed sep­a­rate­ly at the reduced per-les­son rate.

†PPL lessons must be paid for in advance.  A $10 late pay­ment fee will be added to the tuition of any les­son not paid in full pri­or to the les­son start time, unless the les­son has been can­celled or resched­uled more than 24 hours pri­or to the sched­uled start time.