Piano Maintenance, Tuning, & Service

How often should I have my piano tuned and serviced?

The Piano Tech­ni­cians Guild rec­om­mends hav­ing your piano tuned and ser­viced by a Reg­is­tered Piano Tech­ni­cian (RPT) at least twice per year under most cir­cum­stances.  (That’s the short answer.  For much more com­plete details, see this page of the PTG web­site.)


What piano technicians do you recommend in our area?

I have used all of the fol­low­ing tech­ni­cians under var­i­ous cir­cum­stances, and have been pleased with all of them.  You may wish to request price quotes or oth­er details before sched­ul­ing ser­vice.  (Of course, there are oth­er fine tech­ni­cians in the area.  These are sim­ply ones I’ve worked with per­son­al­ly.)


My technician has recommended additional services. What do you think?

Pro­fes­sion­al piano tech­ni­cians are great at rec­og­niz­ing the poten­tial in what­ev­er instru­ment they’re look­ing at.  The best of them will ask about your goals for the instru­ment, any musi­cians who use the piano, etc., and will rec­om­mend only those ser­vices that will best sup­port those goals.  (There’s no sense com­plete­ly rebuild­ing the action on a piano that will only be used by a 6‑year-old to prac­tice “Light­ly Row,” for exam­ple.)

When­ev­er a tech­ni­cian rec­om­mends ser­vice, it can be help­ful to remem­ber that, with rare excep­tions, noth­ing about ser­vic­ing a rehearsal piano is urgent.  Ask the tech­ni­cian to give you a full brief­ing on the ben­e­fits the ser­vice will pro­vide, and take a few weeks to decide whether the ben­e­fits are worth the cost in your par­tic­u­lar sit­u­a­tion.