Choral Music

If you would like to rehearse choral music dur­ing your les­son time, it is most help­ful if I have a clean dig­i­tal copy of your music before you arrive for your ses­sion.  For many ensembles—District Cho­rus­es, Coun­ty Cho­rus­es, etc.—I have mul­ti­ple stu­dents involved in the ensem­ble, so check with me first to be sure I don’t already have the copies I need.

If I do ask you to pro­vide copies of the music for me, please first ask your choral direc­tor if they can pro­vide or link to addi­tion­al copies for teach­ing pur­pos­es, ide­al­ly in dig­i­tal (PDF) for­mat.

If your direc­tor can­not pro­vide these files, and you have a flatbed scan­ner avail­able to you (or if your phone cam­era has a scan func­tion), you can help us make the best use of our work­ing time by scan­ning and shar­ing the music with me at least 24 hours pri­or to your les­son.  For each indi­vid­ual piece you need to rehearse:

  • Scan at 300 dpi, using greyscale set­tings.  (Col­or scans pro­duce unnec­es­sar­i­ly large files, and black-and-white scans pro­duce grainy, hard-to-read images.)
  • Scan all pages of the piece that include musi­cal notes.  (I don’t need the front cov­er, pro­gram notes, com­pos­er biogra­phies, etc.)
  • Be sure your scans include the full page—all notes, mark­ings, and page num­bers, espe­cial­ly at the top and bot­tom of each page.
  • Align each page as close to per­fect­ly as pos­si­ble with the sides of the scan­ner, to avoid slan­ty images.
  • Cre­ate a new sep­a­rate indi­vid­ual file for each piece, and use the title of the piece as the file­name (e.g., “A Song for Choir.pdf”).

Once you have a nice clean scan of each of your titles, please use my File Upload form to send them to me.

If you or your choral direc­tor has any ques­tions, feel free to con­tact me—again, ide­al­ly, at least 24 hours in advance of your appoint­ment.