
The audio play­ers below fea­ture a selec­tion of the record­ings I’ve made over the years.  A page icon next to a title indi­cates that there is print music avail­able for that title in my shop; click the page to go direct­ly to that title in the store.  (But if you’d like to request print music for a title that does­n’t have that icon next to it, just let me know!)

Three Twelve

In what feels like a for­mer life­time (rough­ly the first decade of the 2000’s), I was a mem­ber of the vocal trio Three Twelve, along with Jason Whet­stone and Deb McClain.  Togeth­er we record­ed an album of eleven orig­i­nal songs I’d writ­ten for the group, called Some­thing Begun.  That record is still some­thing I’m very proud of, and you can lis­ten to it on Spo­ti­fy:

We also released an EP that includ­ed some mate­r­i­al we could­n’t make avail­able for stream­ing, and one track we could:

Piano Originals

Classical Piano

Sonata 4‑Hands (K. 381) movt. 1: Allegro

by Wolf­gang Amadeus Mozart

Sonata 4‑Hands (K. 381) movt. 2: Andante

by Wolf­gang Amadeus Mozart

Sonata 4‑Hands (K. 381) movt. 3: Allegro molto

by Wolf­gang Amadeus Mozart