
[tf_product_filter id=“default_product_filter”]

Wel­come to my online shop!  Use the fil­ters in the left col­umn to search for titles meet­ing spe­cif­ic cri­te­ria, and click the title of a piece to view details about the title (and lis­ten to a demo record­ing, if avail­able).

The dol­lar fig­ures list­ed below are sug­gest­ed prices.  If, after review­ing my pric­ing guid­ance page, you decide the use of this music is worth the sug­gest­ed price (or more), I will receive that pur­chase price with much grat­i­tude and appre­ci­a­tion!  If your bud­get will not sup­port the sug­gest­ed price, I thank you for what­ev­er you are able to pay today.  What­ev­er price you choose, enter that amount into the field pro­vid­ed before click­ing to add the title to your cart.  The cats and I thank you for your sup­port!

Show­ing 1–12 of 33 results