
Most of the titles in my print cat­a­log are avail­able on a “pay-as-you-will” basis.  Patrons are able to down­load pre­view PDFs of any of my titles from this site, and access record­ings here and on my Sound­Cloud chan­nel, and then sim­ply sub­mit pay­ment to me that is com­men­su­rate to the val­ue they find in the music itself.

Please note: this does not mean that you may use my music for free—even (nay, espe­cial­ly) if you’re using it in an “edu­ca­tion­al” or “reli­gious” set­ting. It does mean that I am aware of the vast diver­si­ty of bud­gets avail­able to the indi­vid­u­als, con­gre­ga­tions, and orga­ni­za­tions who might find my music suit­able for their needs.

When con­sid­er­ing what you’re will­ing to pay for any of my com­po­si­tions or arrange­ments, I ask that you con­sid­er a num­ber of points:

  1. How many copies will you be printing/distributing?
  2. Will you be stream­ing, record­ing, or shar­ing this music?
  3. What would you pay for a com­pa­ra­ble pur­chase at, say, JW Pep­per, Music­notes, Apple Music, or Ama­zon?
  4. Will this pur­chase be used in a set­ting that will allow you to raise mon­ey through dona­tions, offer­ings, or tick­et sales?
  5. How impor­tant is it to you that inde­pen­dent com­posers like me con­tin­ue to make our work read­i­ly avail­able to the pub­lic?
  6. If some­one were to gift this music to you for no rea­son at all, would you respond in kind by, say, tak­ing them out for cof­fee and a scone?  How much would that cof­fee-and-scone com­bi­na­tion cost you?

Once you’ve deter­mined the amount you’d like to pay, sim­ply select one of the pay­ment proces­sors on my Pay­ment Options page, and bask in the glo­ry of sup­port­ing inde­pen­dent musi­cians!

All that said—if you’re gen­uine­ly not able to pay for my music right now, you may use it with my bless­ing.  But please return to the site and make a con­tri­bu­tion when you find you do have funds avail­able to sup­port inde­pen­dent music-mak­ing.  I appre­ci­ate it!