David’s Home Studio

Use this map to nav­i­gate to my home stu­dio in rur­al Boil­ing Springs, rough­ly 8–10 miles each from the cen­ters of Carlisle, Mechan­ics­burg, and Dills­burg.

When you arrive, please park in one of the marked spaces on the dri­ve­way, tak­ing care not to block either garage door.  If you are more than 5 min­utes ear­ly for your les­son, please wait in your vehi­cle to allow the pre­vi­ous les­son to con­clude.

Enter the stu­dio through the dou­ble doors direct­ly off the dri­ve­way, to the left of the garage doors.  Please do not attempt to enter the stu­dio using the front door.

Diagram of where to park in David's driveway

David’s home studio