Vocal Performance Masterclass

Singing in the show­er? AWESOME. Singing for an audi­ence? Mmm­maybe not so much. At least until you’ve con­vinced your inner diva that they real­ly CAN shine when oth­er peo­ple are lis­ten­ing!

Whether you’re new to per­form­ing, prepar­ing for an audi­tion, or just strug­gling with plain ol’ stage fright, come join a sup­port­ive com­mu­ni­ty of fel­low shy-and-for­mer­ly-so singers, and nur­ture the star with­in!

From 10 am to noon on the first Sat­ur­day of each month, I offer a work­shop in “mas­ter class” for­mat for stu­dents and per­form­ers (of all ages) inter­est­ed in improv­ing their vocal tech­nique, hon­ing their per­for­mance skills, and over­com­ing stage fright.  The class gath­ers in the upstairs com­mon room of The Per­fect 5th, with each stu­dent per­former get­ting up to 30 min­utes of ded­i­cat­ed time (depend­ing on course enroll­ment) to per­form a song or mono­logue and “work­shop it” with feed­back from me and the oth­er stu­dents in the room.

Because of the tremen­dous val­ue this class offers for singers who seek to improve their vocal per­for­mance skills, VPMC reg­is­tra­tion is free for all of David’s cur­rent sub­scrip­tion voice stu­dents ages 12 and up.  (Note that Sub­scrip­tion stu­dents still must reg­is­ter in advance for VPMC, and are encour­aged to do so as ear­ly as pos­si­ble to guar­an­tee they’ll be able to per­form!)

If you’re not a cur­rent voice stu­dent with David, don’t despair—you’re still wel­come and encour­aged to par­tic­i­pate!  In fact, your first VPMC class is free! Tuition for sub­se­quent class­es of $50.00 per stu­dent per ses­sion is due before class begins and may be paid online or in per­son.

Max­i­mum enroll­ment for each ses­sion is 12 per­form­ers, but friends, fam­i­ly mem­bers, etc. are wel­come to attend as observers free of charge (space per­mit­ting).

If few­er than 4 stu­dents are reg­is­tered 24 hours pri­or to any sched­uled VPMC, that class ses­sion will be can­celled, so please reg­is­ter as ear­ly as pos­si­ble using the but­tons below—but of course, please feel free to con­tact me direct­ly if you have ques­tions!


    “I glow for WEEKS after your mas­ter class­es!”

    —Lau­ren Sanker

    Register for VPMC!

    Below are the dates of the Vocal Per­for­mance Mas­ter­class­es sched­uled for cal­en­dar year 2025.  Click a date to reg­is­ter for the class in TuneKey!

      Note that these reg­is­tra­tion but­tons will work only for cur­rent stu­dents who have com­plet­ed their TuneKey set­up.  If you’re not yet a stu­dent, I’d still love to wel­come you to the VPMC!  Just com­plete a Prospec­tive Stu­dent Appli­ca­tion to get start­ed, and we can go from there!