Spring Studio Showcase

Once a year it’s good to cel­e­brate!  Every spring I sched­ule an event I lov­ing­ly call the “DMGS3”: The David M. Glas­gow Spring Stu­dio Show­case. The DMGS3 is a chance for all of my students—vocalists, pianists, and songwriters—to come togeth­er, show off, and have fun!  All of my stu­dents are encour­aged, but not required, to per­form at the DMGS3; and there’s no admis­sion fee—friends, fam­i­ly, and eager- or con­fused-look­ing strangers dragged in from the street are all wel­come to attend.

DMGS3 2025 is scheduled for 1:00 PM on Saturday, May 17!








The event itself is, as one attendee described it, “a real pro­duc­tion!”  I pre­pare keep­sake pro­grams includ­ing stu­dent biogra­phies and reper­to­ry, secure pro­fes­sion­al instru­men­tal­ists to accom­pa­ny voice stu­dents, and hire pro­fes­sion­al video­g­ra­phers to doc­u­ment the event (so par­ents don’t need to watch their chil­dren through a smart­phone screen!).

As the event draws clos­er, stu­dents and their fam­i­lies will want to be sure they’re famil­iar with the impor­tant infor­ma­tion includ­ed on the DMGS3 Per­former FAQs page.

Supporting DMGS3

Paying the band & crew

Every year the bud­get for DMGS3 comes in at around $3000—money spent on pro­gram books, pro­fes­sion­al audio and video tech­ni­cians, and pro­fes­sion­al instru­men­tal­ists.  I con­sid­er that mon­ey well spent, and want my Sub­scrip­tion Plan stu­dents to feel able to par­tic­i­pate in the event with no finan­cial oblig­a­tion.  Pay Per Les­son stu­dents, of course, are encour­aged also to par­tic­i­pate; if they choose to do so a Show­case Sub­sidy Fee of $50 is added to their les­son invoice for the month of the show­case, to help cov­er the addi­tion­al labor required to cre­ate, rehearse, and per­form the accom­pa­ni­ments for their music.

Those sub­si­dies obvi­ous­ly don’t come close to the total price tag for the event, though, so fam­i­lies whose bud­gets allow them to help are encour­aged to make dona­tions that get me a lit­tle clos­er to “break­ing even” on the event.  Just click the “Donate” but­ton below to give what you can!

Lending a hand

In addi­tion, many of the behind-the-scenes tasks required for the event are gen­er­ous­ly pro­vid­ed by volunteers—parents, fam­i­ly, and friends of the per­form­ers.  If you’d like to help out in this way, you can click the but­ton below to see what kind of assis­tance is need­ed, and sign up for what­ev­er tick­les your skill set!