Your Face, My Website

You may have noticed the slideshow of stu­dent quotes on my land­ing page. If you have good things to say about work­ing with me, and a head­shot that makes you feel fab­u­lous, I’d very much appre­ci­ate your shar­ing them with me so I can include you in that slideshow!  Just com­plete and sub­mit the form below.  (Of course, let me know if you run into any trou­ble at all with the form!)

Please enable JavaScript in your brows­er to com­plete this form.
By sub­mit­ting this form, you acknowl­edge that respons­es may be edit­ed for space and oth­er con­sid­er­a­tions, and give me per­mis­sion to use your words (as edit­ed) on my web­site.
Click or drag a file to this area to upload.
(Accept­ed for­mats: GIF, JPEG, PNG, TIFF, WEBP) By sub­mit­ting this form, you acknowl­edge that your pho­to may be cropped to fit the web­site design, and give me per­mis­sion to use your image on my web­site.