Prospective Student Application

Thanks for your inter­est in lessons! Please com­plete the fol­low­ing form with as much thor­ough­ness as you are able—the more I know about each stu­dent, the bet­ter able I am to pre­pare for our time togeth­er. I’ll respond very short­ly (usu­al­ly the same day) to set up a free Ini­tial Con­sul­ta­tion, where we can talk about your musi­cal expe­ri­ence, any con­cerns or fears you may have, and the goals you’d like to set for our work togeth­er!

Ques­tions before you apply? The ques­tions I receive most often are answered on this page of my web­site, or feel free to con­tact me direct­ly!

Shenan­doah students—please do NOT use this form.  If you’ve been assigned to my stu­dio for the com­ing semes­ter, please vis­it my Shenan­doah Stu­dent Intake form instead!

Please enable JavaScript in your brows­er to com­plete this form.

About the Student

Please pro­vide the fol­low­ing infor­ma­tion about the per­son who will actu­al­ly be study­ing with me.
Stu­dent For­mal Name
How should the stu­dent be named in per­for­mance pro­grams, press releas­es, etc.?
How should I address the stu­dent dur­ing lessons and casu­al con­ver­sa­tion?
What pro­nouns should I use when refer­ring to the stu­dent? (My pro­nouns are he/him/his.) Vis­it if you’re not sure why I ask.
Student’s Date of Birth
Who will be respon­si­ble for sched­ul­ing & billing?
What med­ical con­cerns, if any, should I know about before we meet pri­vate­ly? (If none, please indi­cate so.)
Has the stu­dent received a COVID vac­cine or boost­er in the last 18 months?
Out of respect for immuno­com­pro­mised stu­dents and fam­i­ly mem­bers, stu­dents sched­ul­ing in-per­son lessons must have received a COVID vac­ci­na­tion or boost­er with­in the last 18 months.
May David and/or The Per­fect 5th use the stu­den­t’s image (pho­to and/or video) in pro­mo­tion­al mate­ri­als, web­site, email, social media post­ings, etc.?
If you were referred by a cur­rent or for­mer stu­dent, for instance, please pro­vide their name.

History & Goals

The fol­low­ing infor­ma­tion is option­al, but spend­ing a few min­utes to pro­vide thought­ful respons­es will real­ly help me to learn more about you before we meet!
What expe­ri­ence does the stu­dent have as a singer? In what set­ting? Under whose lead­er­ship? For how long? How long ago? (option­al)
What does the stu­dent love about their voice? (option­al, but strong­ly rec­om­mend­ed!)
What vocal chal­lenges, strug­gles, or prob­lems would the stu­dent like help with? (option­al)
What music does the stu­dent enjoy singing? What spe­cif­ic titles might they enjoy work­ing on with a teacher? Links to YouTube or oth­er record­ings are par­tic­u­lar­ly help­ful here! (option­al)
Les­son Pri­or­i­ties
This list includes var­i­ous ben­e­fits that many stu­dents expe­ri­ence from tak­ing music lessons. Please check the box next to those which are MOST impor­tant to you as you think about study­ing voice. (NOTE: This is not a trick ques­tion or an attempt to “weed any­one out.” There are no wrong answers here!) Please iden­ti­fy up to three (3) pri­or­i­ties.