Contact me

New music for your next lesson?

We can make the best use of our les­son time if you use the File Upload form to send me your charts at least 24 hours before your appoint­ment!

Need a letter of recommendation?

If you and I have worked togeth­er and you’d like me to rec­om­mend you for an aca­d­e­m­ic or pro­fes­sion­al pro­gram to which you’re apply­ing, please com­plete and sub­mit this form.

Interested in starting lessons?

If you’d like to talk about start­ing lessons or sched­ul­ing a coach­ing with me, please com­plete and sub­mit a Prospec­tive Stu­dent Appli­ca­tion.

Got something to celebrate?

Cast in a show?  Accept­ed into your dream school?  Grad­u­at­ed?  Share the details with me so that we can help you cel­e­brate by announc­ing your accom­plish­ment at The Per­fect 5th and on social media!

Love your voice teacher?

If you’d like to join the slideshow of quotes on the land­ing page of this site, I’d love to hear from you!  Sub­mit your pithy ado­ra­tion and a head­shot using this form and I’ll get you in the rota­tion!

Found a bug on the website?

Dang.  You found proof that I’m human.  If you’d send me a heads-up, I’ll see what I can do to get things work­ing per­fect­ly ASAP!

Trying to pay for music?

I accept online and “old-fash­ioned” pay­ments a num­ber of ways.

Something else?

Have a ques­tion or com­ment you’d like to send my way that doesn’t seem to match up with any of the oth­er cat­e­gories in the “Con­tact” menu?  Com­plete and sub­mit this form.


Because I spend so much of my time in set­tings in which a ring­ing phone is a dis­trac­tion, my phone does not ring and all calls go direct­ly to voice­mail, where they often lan­guish for days or weeks before I even notice they’re there. I strong­ly rec­om­mend using one of the forms above to reach me—you’ll get a much faster response.

If you absolute­ly, pos­i­tive­ly must speak with me in real-time, please sub­mit a request using my gen­er­al con­tact form. I’ll respond to sched­ule a call dur­ing my work­ing hours, between oth­er appoint­ments. 

In any case…

Please under­stand that as a free­lance musi­cian and grad­u­ate stu­dent there are often peri­ods of sev­er­al con­sec­u­tive days dur­ing which I’m involved in lessons, rehearsals, and/or oth­er focused work for up to 15 hours per day. Dur­ing these peri­ods I gen­er­al­ly do not respond to any but the most urgent of mes­sages, and to oth­ers I can appear to be incom­mu­ni­ca­do. I usu­al­ly spend a day or two play­ing e‑mail catch-up after emerg­ing from these “crunch times,” but if you haven’t heard from me after a week or so I’d wel­come a (gen­tly word­ed) fol­low-up email.