Middle C is our Note of the Month!

A piano keyboard with middle C labeled

written by David

Musician, educator, husband, cat dad, cantankerous introvert-slash-wet-blanket. And I bake a mean chocolate-chip cookie.

Thursday, April 01, 2021

Music notation representing middle C, in a minimalist contemporary photo frame.I’m thrilled to announce that, start­ing this month, all of my stu­dents will be invit­ed to par­tic­i­pate in a new pro­gram I call “Note of the Month.”  Because we all—whether we’re singers, pianists, song­writ­ers, or actors—use the same spec­trum of sound as the medi­um for our art-mak­ing, it’s impor­tant that we gain con­fi­dence and skill at using all of the pitch­es we have at our dis­pos­al.  What bet­ter way to do that than giv­ing each note its own spe­cial month?

This month, to get the pro­gram start­ed, we’ll be look­ing at Mid­dle C (hand­some­ly framed in the embed­ded image)—using this pitch exclu­sive­ly in our warm-ups, fin­ger­ing exer­cis­es, and mono­logues, rewrit­ing all vocal melodies to include only this pitch… the pos­si­bil­i­ties are vir­tu­al­ly lim­it­less (except that they’ll be lim­it­ed to this sin­gle pitch)!  I promise you, after 30 days of focus­ing on this pitch, you’ll nev­er see (or hear) it the same way again!

We’ll talk more about this excit­ing pro­gram togeth­er in lessons, but as always, don’t hes­i­tate to ask if you have any ques­tions!

Hap­py April Fool’s, every­one!


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