Electronic Press Kit


DAVID M. GLASGOW (he/him/his) is a Penn­syl­va­nia-based pianist, vocal­ist, com­pos­er, actor, and edu­ca­tor. He holds a B.A. (cum laude) in music the­o­ry and com­po­si­tion from Dick­in­son Col­lege and an M.Div. from Lan­cast­er The­o­log­i­cal Sem­i­nary, and is cur­rent­ly work­ing toward a Mas­ter of Music in Vocal Ped­a­gogy (Con­tem­po­rary Com­mer­cial Music) from Shenan­doah Con­ser­va­to­ry.

Over the course of his three decades as a pro­fes­sion­al musi­cian, he has per­formed, accom­pa­nied, and direct­ed clas­si­cal reper­to­ry (includ­ing com­posers such as Josquin and Ock­eghem, Mozart and Beethoven, Lau­rid­sen and Whitacre); jazz (Elling­ton, Han­cock, Coltrane, Gille­spie); gospel (Small­wood, Franklin); and pop (Mraz, Mars, P!nk, Bareilles). As an actor, he has appeared onstage as “Dr. Neville Craven” in The Secret Gar­den, “Bil­ly” in Any­thing Goes, and the dia­per-clad title role of Bat Boy: The Musi­cal. His cred­its as Musi­cal Direc­tor include Into the Woods, Pip­pin, Lucky Stiff, and The Spit­fire Grill—along with “two-hat” roles in God­spell (musi­cal direc­tor and “Jesus”) and Fun Home (musi­cal direc­tor and “Bruce”).

As a com­pos­er, David’s choral, vocal, and instru­men­tal works have been heard world­wide at a vari­ety of schools, col­leges, uni­ver­si­ties, church­es, and con­cert venues; and the Three Twelve album Some­thing Begun fea­tures eleven Glas­gow orig­i­nals, with David on vocals and key­boards.

After teach­ing at Dick­in­son Col­lege for a decade and serv­ing as the first direc­tor of the Alsedek The­atre School in Har­ris­burg, Penn­syl­va­nia, David now main­tains a thriv­ing stu­dio of pri­vate stu­dents in voice, piano, and music the­o­ry, divid­ing his time between his home stu­dio in Boil­ing Springs and a satel­lite stu­dio at The Per­fect 5th Musi­cal Arts Cen­ter in Mechan­ics­burg. He has made a name for him­self among the cap­i­tal area music and the­atre com­mu­ni­ty as a wise men­tor in vocal tech­nique, musi­cal inter­pre­ta­tion, text and char­ac­ter study, and the syn­er­gis­tic rela­tion­ship between musi­cal artistry and per­son­al iden­ti­ty.

David is also a life­time mem­ber of the Asso­ci­a­tion for Uni­tar­i­an Uni­ver­sal­ist Music Min­istries, and is cur­rent­ly serv­ing on the Song Selec­tion Team in prepa­ra­tion for the launch of the Uni­tar­i­an Uni­ver­sal­ist Association’s first Dig­i­tal Hym­nal, pro­ject­ed for 2025.

David and his hus­band Mark will cel­e­brate their 30th anniver­sary in March of 2025, and share a home in Boil­ing Springs, PA, with their three feline “kids,” Jake, Grayson, and Hen­ry.

For more infor­ma­tion or to con­tact David, vis­it https://davidmglasgow.com.

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