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Kind of Christmas
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I wrote this piece for a friend of mine who was struggling with the "right" way to celebrate the holidays, when they didn't feel particularly safe with their biological family and couldn't afford anything like a "Hallmark Christmas" for themself or their friends. (As I was thinking of the kind of Christmas I wished for them, I realized it sounded pretty good to me too.) There are melodic quotations from at least five well-known Christmas songs hidden in here. (Do we still call them "Easter Eggs"?) Can you catch them all?
A quiet time with ones you love,
without a thought for what’s beneath the tree.…
It’s dark outside. The earth is cold.
But in this house, you’re safe with family.
Around the room you see all your favorite faces,
though they don’t all resemble your own.
And in the still of this silent night,
you know for more than sure you’re not alone.
Bundled up in mismatched clothes,
and singing songs whose words you don’t quite know.…
Nothing here is perfect, but
there’s no place else on earth you’d rather go.
The fairy tales about angels, kings, and shepherds
fill those younger than you with delight.
And somehow the thought of that little town
works magic on your jaded heart tonight.
Immanuel: Even here, even now, you’re not alone.
Not a place, but a presence, makes this home.
And though sometimes you forget,
Immanuel: Something greater than the lies you’ve heard is true.
You have a home, no matter what you do.
And you know it, too.
That’s the kind of Christmas I wish for you.
You share a glance, a bashful smile,
and yesterday’s regrets dissolve away.
Wounded pride and hurtful words,
they matter less than family today.
You start to see the full value of forgiveness,
and you promise to do, or to try.
And with those words, you find, in the bleak midwinter,
that the stars all shine brighter in the sky.
Immanuel: Even here, even now, you’re not alone.
Not a place, but a presence, makes this home.
And though sometimes you forget,
Immanuel: Something greater than the lies you’ve told is true.
You have a home, no matter what you do.
And you know it, too.
That’s the kind of Christmas—
a holy kind of Christmas—
that’s the kind of Christmas I wish for you.
©2018 David M. Glasgow (ASCAP)