Payment Options

Lesson invoices

Since stu­dents on the Sub­scrip­tion Plan must main­tain Auto­Pay enroll­ment, Sub­scrip­tion stu­dents will receive an infor­ma­tion­al invoice on the last day of each month, detail­ing the amount charged for the com­ing month.

Pay-Per-Les­son stu­dents will receive an invoice each Fri­day that includes charges for lessons in the upcom­ing week, plus any addi­tion­al charges accrued since the last invoice.  To be sure your pay­ment is auto­mat­i­cal­ly applied to your invoice, please click the Pay Now but­ton on the invoice to start the pay­ment process through Pay­Pal.

    Other online payments

    If I have not sent you an invoice, you may sub­mit pay­ments through the fol­low­ing online pay­ment proces­sors, list­ed in my order of pref­er­ence:

    Zelle logo
    PayPal logo
    Cash App logo
    Venmo logo

    If you are a cur­rent stu­dent, pay­ments received through these means will be cred­it­ed toward any out­stand­ing invoic­es on your account, and you will receive an email con­fir­ma­tion of the pay­ment once it is record­ed.  Because pay­ments made through these ser­vices take longer to become avail­able for my use, the effec­tive date of these pay­ments will be 3 busi­ness days fol­low­ing the date you ini­ti­ate the pay­ment.  You are respon­si­ble for any late fees that accrue pri­or to the effec­tive date of a pay­ment made through any of these ser­vices.

    Paying in person or by mail

    If you pre­fer not to send your pay­ment elec­tron­i­cal­ly, I can of course accept pay­ments in per­son via cash, check or cred­it card.  Or you may choose to mail a paper check, though it’s impor­tant to note that this often adds a week or more to the pro­cess­ing time for your pay­ment, and that you are respon­si­ble for any late fees that accrue pri­or to the effec­tive date of a pay­ment made by mail.  To mail a check, address it to:

    David M. Glas­gow
    c/o The Per­fect 5th Musi­cal Arts Cen­ter
    4913 Get­tys­burg Rd
    Mechan­ics­burg PA 17055–4816

    Past-due invoices

    • Pay­ment for any invoice is due by 11:59pm on the invoice due date.
    • If any unpaid bal­ance remains 7 days after the invoice date, my sys­tem will send you an auto­mat­ic cour­tesy reminder.
    • Fail­ure to bring an invoice cur­rent after 90 days may result in sig­nif­i­cant addi­tion­al fees and third-par­ty col­lec­tion activ­i­ty.

      Unpaid lessons

      • All lessons must be paid for in advance.  A $10 Unpaid Les­son fee will be added to the price of every les­son tak­en while a past-due bal­ance remains on the student’s account.