Let’s make your music.

Your sto­ry mat­ters.  Your voice has pow­er.  And over my four decades as a singer, an accom­pa­nist, a direc­tor, and a teacher, I’ve com­piled a deli­cious­ly eclec­tic tool­box of tech­niques, strate­gies, and images that I sim­ply love to share with fel­low art-mak­ers and sto­ry­tellers, to help them share the pow­er of their own sto­ries, in their own voic­es.  If you’ve strug­gled to get your song out into the world in a way that feels authen­tic, I can help!

Won­der­ing whether I’m the right teacher for you?  See the quotes below from sat­is­fied stu­dents, read about some of the things that make my teach­ing unique, or just tell me a lit­tle about your­self, so we can set up a time to meet and talk about how I can help you reach your musi­cal goals!

“David is a vocal coach, act­ing teacher, and sightread­ing instruc­tor all in one! I trained with David through­out high school and his instruc­tion has been extreme­ly help­ful both dur­ing the col­lege audi­tion process and after. I would high­ly rec­om­mend him for any­one look­ing for a qual­i­ty vocal coach!”

—Emi­ly Reuss­wig

“David is amaz­ing, accept­ing, and inter­ac­tive! He has a high­ly engag­ing teach­ing style and clear musi­cal exper­tise. I’ve learned so much about myself as a singer, actor, and per­former after only a short time work­ing with him.”

—Vivi­enne Lowe

“I am real­ly hap­py that I found David as my vocal coach.  I have a few years of expe­ri­ence as a gui­tarist play­ing in a band, but I always want­ed to sing.  I searched for a good teacher for a long time, but after just a few lessons with David I am very sat­is­fied and enjoy­ing my singing.  I see myself improv­ing every day.  Thank you, David—you are the best!”

—Leenus Bopear­achchi

“I’ve been tak­ing voice lessons with David for 2½ years now, and his coach­ing has been invalu­able. He has helped me so much through­out my vocal jour­ney, both with keep­ing my tech­nique strong, and mak­ing sure that my act­ing is on point. I don’t know where I’d be, head­ing into col­lege audi­tion sea­son with­out him!”

—Grace Wolfe

“I took voice lessons with David in high school for a lit­tle over two years, and in that time both my singing and act­ing skills improved immense­ly. David pro­vid­ed me with the con­fi­dence and tech­ni­cal skills I need­ed to suc­ceed as a per­former. His guid­ance helped me through count­less audi­tions and per­for­mances. I know that David’s coach­ing will con­tin­ue to impact me for years to come!”

—Christi­na Johns